Apache CloudStack 4.1.0 Released
Apache CloudStack社群,在經過了5個多月的努力後,於今日正式發表4.1.0版。不僅新增了許多的新功能以及bug修復,此次最大的變更莫過於在codebase的調整以及優化,開發人員可以更輕鬆的參與CloudStack的開發工作、建立RPM/Debian套件以及使用Maven做為自動建置工具。
- An API discovery service that allows an end point to list its supported APIs and their details.
- Added an Events Framework to CloudStack to provide an "event bus" withpublish, subscribe, and unsubscribe semantics. Includes a RabbitMQ plugin that can interact with AMQP servers. Introduces the notion of a state change event.
- Implement L3 router functionality in the Nicira NVP plugin, and including support for KVM (previously Xen-only).
- API request throttling to prevent attacks via frequent API requests.
- AWS-style regions.
- Egress firewall rules for guest networks.
- Resizing root and data volumes.
- Reset SSH key to access VMs.
- Support for EC2 Query API.
- Autoscaling support in conjunction with load balancing devices such asNetScaler.
完整功能說明: CloudStack 4.1.0 Release Note