2013年6月5日 星期三

Apache CloudStack 4.1.0 Released

Apache CloudStack社群,在經過了5個多月的努力後,於今日正式發表4.1.0版。不僅新增了許多的新功能以及bug修復,此次最大的變更莫過於在codebase的調整以及優化,開發人員可以更輕鬆的參與CloudStack的開發工作、建立RPM/Debian套件以及使用Maven做為自動建置工具。

  1. An API discovery service that allows an end point to list its supported APIs and their details.
  2. Added an Events Framework to CloudStack to provide an "event bus" withpublish, subscribe, and unsubscribe semantics. Includes a RabbitMQ plugin that can interact with AMQP servers. Introduces the notion of a state change event.
  3. Implement L3 router functionality in the Nicira NVP plugin, and including support for KVM (previously Xen-only).
  4. API request throttling to prevent attacks via frequent API requests.
  5. AWS-style regions.
  6. Egress firewall rules for guest networks.
  7. Resizing root and data volumes.
  8. Reset SSH key to access VMs.
  9. Support for EC2 Query API.
  10. Autoscaling support in conjunction with load balancing devices such as

完整功能說明: CloudStack 4.1.0 Release Note

