2014年3月26日 星期三

Apache CloudStack 4.3.0 Released

CloudStack V4.3 is the next feature release of the 4.x line which first released on November 6, 2012. Some of the noteworthy new and improved features include:

- Support for Microsoft Hyper-V - Apache CloudStack can now manage Hyper-V
  hypervisors in addition to KVM, XenServer, VMware, LXC, and Bare Metal
- Juniper OpenContrail integration - OpenContrail is a software defined
  networking controller from Juniper that CloudStack now integrates with
  to provide SDN services
- SSL Termination support for guest VMs - Apache CloudStack can configure
  and manage SSL termination in certain load balancer devices
- Palo Alto Firewall integration - Apache CloudStack can now manage and
  configure Palo Alto firewalls
- Remote access VPN for VPC networks - CloudStack's remote access VPN is
  now available for Virtual Private Cloud networks
- Site to Site VPN between VRs - CloudStack now allows site-to-site VPN
  connectivity to it's virtual routing devices. This permits your cloud
  computing environment to appear as a natural extension of your local
  network, or for you to easily interconnect multiple environments
- VXLAN support expansion to include KVM - CloudStack's support for
  integrating VXLAN, the network virtualization technology that attempts
  to ameliorate scalability problems with traditional networking
- SolidFire plugin extension to support KVM and hypervisor snapshots for
XenServer and ESX - SolidFire provides guaranteed Storage Quality of
  Service at the Virtual Machine level
- Dynamic Compute offering - CloudStack now has the ability to dynamically
  scale the resources assigned to a running virtual machine instance for
  those hypervisors which support it

Downloads and Documentation

The official source code for the v4.3 release, as well as individual contributors' convenience binaries, can be downloaded from the Apache CloudStack downloads page at http://cloudstack.apache.org/downloads.html

The CloudStack 4.2 release includes over 110 issues from 4.2.0 and 4.2.1, including fixes for object storage support, documentation, and more. A full list of corrected issues and upgrade instructions are available in the Release Notes

Official installation, administration, and API documentation for each release is available at http://docs.cloudstack.apache.org/en/latest/
Apache CloudStack in Action

Join members of the Apache CloudStack community at the CloudStack Collaboration Conference, taking place 9-11 April 2014 immediately following ApacheCon. For more information, visit

Availability and Oversight

As with all Apache products, Apache CloudStack v4.3 is released under the Apache License v2.0, and is overseen by a self-selected team of active contributors to the project. A Project Management Committee (PMC) guides the Project’s day-to-day operations, including community
development and product releases. For documentation and ways to become involved with Apache CloudStack, visit http://cloudstack.apache.org/

2013年11月12日 星期二

工作機會大比較! OpenStack vs CloudStack

Source: senoal


還記得之前我之前寫過一篇"cloudstack 與 openstack 目前的發展趨勢",裡面有比較這兩個陣營在人數上,與活耀度上的比較,那讓我們先來複習一下最新進展,同樣的根據CloudWatch的追蹤報導 CY12-Q4 Community Analysis — OpenStack vs OpenNebula vs Eucalyptus vs CloudStack,在社群方面OpenStack 還是遙遙領先(不過成長趨緩?),CloudStack 仍然努力緊追在後。

此外根據這篇OpenStack 的統計報告 study conducted by TrendKite,OpenStack 的媒體曝光度遠遠超過AWS (雷聲大雨點小?)

但是媒體的熱度似乎已經在降低,畢竟今年是BigData 年? (再誤)

不過今天我卻在Twitter上看到一個消息,Apple 正在Hire CloudStack Engineer ? 奇怪話說前一陣子我才看到這篇文章 Apple looks to pick off engineers from Amazon, OpenStack to build out iCloud

喔?搜尋了一下果然Apple 在 LinkedIn的Job那邊果然有這個職缺。,看了一下工作內容描述,這不是在招喚我嘛?(誤)

Key Qualifications

  • Expert with Apache CloudStack/Citrix Cloud Platform and the underlying systems, storage and network hardware that support it
  • Minimum 5 years in UNIX systems administration in a large environment (1000 servers)
  • Experience with VMware vCenter and the ESXi hypervisor
  • Expert in RedHat Enterprise Linux (and it's variants) system administration including Yum and RPM packaging
  • Experienced systems engineer with at least Bash shell programming (Ruby and Java programing experience is advantageous)
  • Experienced in systems and platform configuration management using Puppet
  • Proficiency with source control, continuous integration and testing methods (particularly Git, Jenkins and the like)
  • Good understanding of Kickstart, NetBoot, PXE, DHCP, DNS, LDAP, monitoring tools, etc

這不禁讓我想到工作機會的確也應該是一個很重要的考量點,於是我就開始上網蒐集資料,看看到底現在市場上對於 OpenStack 與 CloudStack Engineer 的需求是如何  (唉...不過這些都是國外的需求....Orz...)

首先來看這篇  Guess what? OpenStack fans say OpenStack skills are in demand
,在這篇文章裡面提到OpenStack Engineer 的薪水還是比較高。

再來是比較工作需求的比較,OpenStack 還是遠勝於CloudStack

跟AWS比起來,大家都算是小咖~:P 不過這樣比我覺得有失公平,因為一個是會使用AWS的工作需求,跟會開發OpenStack 和 CloudStack的需求?

最後貼一下在indeed.com 的工作需求比較結果:

  • CloudStack 205 個需求
  • OpenStack 1115 個需求
似乎仍然是openstack 勝出~:P

結論...國外的月亮比較圓 (大誤)


思科"批腿",CloudStack 逆襲 OpenStack

2013年9月25日 星期三

Announcing Apache CloudStack CloudMonkey 5.0.0

千呼萬換始出來,Apache CloudStack 專案宣布 Apache CloudStack CloudMonkey 5.0.0 正式release摟!

Apache CloudStack's CloudMonkey 是基於 Python 所撰寫的 command line 工具,方便使用者透過這個工具直接操控 Apache CloudStack IaaS clouds. 這個個軟體提供了互動式的 shell 環境,包含以下指令:
  • command discovery
  • auto-completion
  • multiple output formats.
CloudMonkey 也可以當做單純的Command line 指令來操作,方便整合到用戶自己的 shell scripts 裡面。

這個版本的 CloudMonkey 是CloudStack 社群第一個獨立於CloudStack 發佈的版本,功能包含 pre-cached API command syntax (適用於CloudStack 4.2.0 以上版本)

CloudMonkey Download 網址如下:

此外,5.0.0 release 也可以由Python Package 管理工具pip來安裝,安裝路徑如下:

更多的訊息請參考CloudStack 下載頁面。

We welcome your help and feedback. For more information on how to report problems, and to get involved, visit the project website at: http://cloudstack.apache.org/

翻譯自: Announcing Apache CloudStack CloudMonkey 5.0.0

2013年8月20日 星期二

CloudStack Design Camp in TAIWAN INVITATION 2013 3rd


時間 : 2013/09/14(六) 下午14:00~17:00
地點 : TrendMicro Taipei Office (台北市大安區敦化南路二段198號) 9F, 901會議室
課程 :
  • 14:00 - 14:50 : CloudStack Plugin Structure and Implementation (TCloud, Joe Tsai)
  • 15:00 - 15:50 : CloudStack Usage and Application (TCloud, Roxanne Chang)
  • 16:00 - 16:40 : CloudStack Test Automation and CI (TCloud, Alan Chu)
  • 16:45 - 17:00 : News from ACS Community (TCloud, Alan Chu)


這次我們準備了相當實用的主題,包括了CloudStack Plugin的開發、Usage server的應用、以及自動化測試和CI的部份,肯定值回票價,歡迎大家踴躍報名!!

有任何問題請洽 : service_tw@tcloudcomputing.com