2013年4月30日 星期二

Translation with Transifex

Translation with Transifex

Recently we've finished zh_Tw translation for CloudStack Document(cheers :D). CloudStack holds its document translation projects on Transifex, including Runbook, UI and Main Docs. The Transifex is coordinate system facilitates entire translation process. I'm here for introducing the Glossary function in Transifex.

The pic above is the Glossary page on Transifex, we can add new terms here. When adding a term, we need to determine this term is a noun, verb or something else (There is a combo box for it ) and corresponding translation. We can also add some comment of it (Avoid misunderstanding if you're co-working with someone).
When you are on translation page (pic below) and  select the the "Glossary" tab, the glossary tab window will show the added terms associated to the sentence you are translating as a hint. 

The Glossary function in Transifex can avoid inconsistent problem and better started in the beginning of translation. Welcome everyone to get involved and make CloudStack a better project. For your information and happy translating! :D

Reference : 
  1. Transifex
  2. CloudStack  ACS_DOCS project

2013年4月4日 星期四

How to dramatically reduce the build time

對於一個這樣的大型Java專案而言,每次修完bug重新Compile所花的時間是很沒有效率的,分享一個由Eddison Su 於cloudstack-dev所提供的方法(適用於CloudStack 4.1或以上):

mvn -pl `git status --porcelain |sed '/^?/d'| awk '{print $2}' |sed 's/\/src/$/'|cut -d $ -f 1|uniq |tr "\n" "," |sed 's/,$/,client/'` clean install