資料來源:Apache CloudStack Weekly News - 14 January 2013
本週主要討論內容與議題 (Major Discussions and Issues)
- 關於專案的一些內部規定 (Project Bylaws ) 已經在cloudstaack-dev的mail list被討論和通過, The bylaws are intended to go into effect once Apache CloudStack graduates from the Apache Incubator. (Note that a vote on graduation is not currently pending.)
- 討論是否CloudStack 要花具體的時間在處理Linux 個版本間的支援
- 對於CloudStack 4.1.0 的一些重大Feature的開發狀態社群有些疑慮,因為有許多feature的開發不是由社群所開發,所以可能會有一些智慧財產權(IP)的問題,所以需要進行智慧財產權釐清(IP clearance)的動作,才能把這些code放入 4.1.0 的Master。
- 討論 CloudMonkey 該如何 released, whether it makes sense to release CloudMonkey out-of-band via pypi or stick with major releases.
- 提醒開發者要定期去JIRA更新issue的狀態.
- 在 1/9 投票接受Cirtix 所提供的 Marvin automated tests.
- Minutes from QA Scrum on 8 January 2013.
- Minutes from CloudStack IRC Meeting 9 January 2013 and the full log.
即將發生的事件 (Upcoming Events)
CloudStack 在接下來幾個星期將會有許多活動(Events):
- OSSI DHS Industry Day David Nalley is on a panel and will talk about Apache CloudStack at the OSSI Industry Day in Linthicum, Maryland on Monday, 14 January 2013.
- DC Riak Users Group David Nalley is [speaking about CloudStack at the DC Riak Users Group in Washington DC on Wednesday, 16 January 2013.
- PuppetCamp Silicon Valley: David Nalley is speaking about CloudStack at PuppetCamp Silicon Valley on Friday, 18 January 2013.
- PuppetCamp Sydney: Joe Brockmeier is speaking about Apache CloudStack at PuppetCamp Sydney on Thursday, 24 January 2013.
- Linux.conf.au: Joe Brockmeier is speaking about Apache CloudStack during the Cloud Infrastructure, Distributed Storage and High Availability miniconf on Monday (28 January, 2013).
- FOSDEM: Sebastien Goasguen is speaking about Apache CloudStack features and tools during the cloud DevRoom at FOSDEM on Sunday (3 February, 2013).
- Build a Cloud Day (BACD): Full day workshop on CloudStack co-located with Puppet Camp in Ghent, Belgium (1 February, 2013).
- UK/European User Group Meet-up : Shapeblue is organizing a meet-up. (January 16th, 2013)
Jira 狀態與統計
In the last 30 days (as of 11 January, 2013) 345 issues have been created in Jira, and 85 have been resolved.
- Unassigned Issues: 299 as of 11 January, 2013. (如果有興趣想要幫忙的可以從這邊去撈取issue來解決。)
- There are 84 open issues affecting 4.1.0.
- 75 issues are of blocker, critical, or major status.
新的Committers 和 PPMC 成員
(New Committers and PPMC Members)
Sebastien Goasguen and Kelcey Damage were welcomed as new committers.