2013年1月22日 星期二

從Apache CloudStack Community 觀察社群運作原理,與提案的產生

從上一篇文章 - "如何加入open source 社群" 發佈到現在已經一個多月了,每天的例行公事就是從上百封的mail list 中觀察社群的動向,並且找出有興趣,或是可以參與的主題,但是真的是很困難,很多議題不是插不上話,再不然就是發言沒人鳥(大概發言太廢~Orz..),所以只能繼續做潛水觀察員。

而最近CloudStack 比較火熱的主題就是所謂Intellectual property clearance (A.K.A IP clearance) ,這個議題是從這篇討論開始 [ACS41] Concerns about where development has happened ,主要原因是因為Citrix 偷渡 貢獻了許多程式碼和new feature到 CloudStack 裡,因為這些 source code 與 new feature一來沒經過社群討論 (Mail List),二來是從已經存在的產品Critrix Cloud Platform 拿出來的程式碼,所以可能會有 IP的問題,所以引發了社群的激烈討論,下面是其這個討論串發起人Chip Childers的描述:
I'm not sure where to go from here.  I guess we have 2 options: we
re-write the code from scratch as CloudStack code, or Citrix donates
the code produced for CloudPlatform (and it gets taken through the IP
clearance process).

而這一連串的討論, 也引發了其他人(新手小白如我)的緊張,到底怎樣的狀況需要IP Clearance,什麼樣的狀況需要宣告Donate source code? 於是就有人出來在這篇文章 "[PROPOSAL] Networking plugin to integrate the MidoNet SDN platform with CloudStack"解釋:

IP clearance is required only when your feature would have been developed outside the community intervention and you want to propose that feature to be merged with the asf/master branch.

 If you have happened to discuss the functional spec for your feature with the community and answered the queries if any one might have in the community and done all your code commits through review requests , IP clearance would not be required at all .
(如果你的功能,是有充分在社群討論過,也被社群同意後才開始開發的,就不會有所謂智財權釐清問題,就算不是在所尾asf/master 開branch 開發也沒關係)

因為對於 Apache Community 一個新的提案產生正確的處理態度流程應該是這樣:

  1. 在社群Mail List 提出Proposal
  2. 在Mail list 被充分的討論後,並且交付表決,是否同意納入這個功能
  3. 如果同意後,到Apache cloudstack 的 wiki 撰寫你的 Proposal 與 Spec
  4. 開發,並且交由commiter review

Mail List :[DISCUSS] PaaS Enablement: Composite Application Blueprints
提案wiki:Feature Proposal -- Composite Application Blueprints

[1] Open source participation - Remixing Angie Byron to create the next Million Mozillians
[2] Open Source Communities and Customers in Pictures


